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This statement configures the DACA or DACB in the Xmega.









Chose either DACA or DACB. DACA is connected to PORTA. DACB is connected to PORTB.


ENABLED or DISABLED. Chose ENABLED to enable the DAC.


ENABLED or DISABLED. Chose ENABLED to enable output 0. Each DAC has 2 outputs. When multiple outputs are used, the DAC is using S&H.


ENABLED or DISABLED. Chose ENABLED to enable output 1.


ENABLED or DISABLED. Chose ENABLED to enable the internal output.


SINGLE or DUAL. If both outputs are used, you need to enable the second output with IO1.


ENABLED or DISABLED. Chose ENABLED to enable the trigger of channel 0.


ENABLED or DISABLED. Chose ENABLED to enable the trigger of channel 1.


The DAC needs a stable voltage reference. You can chose one of the following:

- INT1V. This will select the internal 1V reference

- AVCC. This will use AVCC as reference.

- AREFA. This will use AREFA as reference.

- AREFB. This will use AREFB as reference.

The output of the DAC can never be higher then the voltage reference. When you chose INT1V, the output is from 0-1V in 4096 steps.


ENABLED or DISABLED. By default the DAC output is right adjusted (this means the first 8 Bit are in the Low Byte and the following 4 Bit in the High Byte of the 16-bit Register).

You can left alight the result.


The event channel to use for the event system.


The minimum interval between 2 conversions.

This is a value of : 1,2,4,8,16,32,64 or 128. The default in the register is 64. A value of 64 will give an interval of 64 clock cycles.


The value is set in clock cycles and the time in µ Second depend on the CLKper (Peripheral Clock) setting.


The minimum in SINGLE Channel mode is 1µS (1M conversions per seconds).

The minimum in DUAL Channel mode (S/H mode) should no be below 1.5µS (666K conversions per second).


In DUAL Channel mode the 50% increase of peripheral clock cycles is AUTOMATICALLY added by the XMEGA chip.


The DAC channel refresh timing. This is the interval refresh time in DUAL channel mode.

Possible values:


16, 32, 128, 256, 512, 1014, 2048, 4096, 8192, 16384, 32768, 65536.

A value of 16 means an interval of 16 clock cycles. The default loaded is 64.


Note: Higher refresh rates causes higher power consumption.


Manual conversions or Events between the refresh intervals do NOT affect the refresh intervals. This means the channels will be refreshed at a constant timing even when the data register are for example updated in between.


The DAC data register is available in the DACA0, DACA1 and DACB0 and DACB1 variables.


The DAC module can output conversion rates up to 1 M conversions per second with a resolution of 12 bits.


A DAC conversion can be triggered by:

writing to the DAC data register (DACA0, DACA1 and DACB0 and DACB1)
an Event over Event System (when configured to trigger from Event system the DAC data register can be updated several times without triggering an conversion. In case of an Event the latest value in the DAC data register will be used for conversion)


Trigger mode can be different between DAC Channels. For example DAC Channel 0 can be setup to work with Events while Channel 1 can be configured to start conversion when DAC data register is updated.


How to handle the two Data Channels with one conversion Block:

' +-----------+          +------------------+
' | Channel 0 | -------->|                  |-----> Out 0
' +-----------+          | CONVERSION BLOCK |
' +-----------+          |                  |
' | Channel 1 | -------->|                  |-----> Out 1
' +-----------+          +------------------+
'                                 |

'                                            |

'                            Event System


The fact that there are two data channels but one conversion block it needs to be configured by CHANNEL.

If Channel is SINGLE: Channel 0 is used in continuous-drive output mode and Channel 0 is then always connected to conversion block.
If Channel is DUAL: Both channels work in Sample and Hold (S/H) mode. The Sample and Hold keep the DAC output values during a conversion of the other channel. To refresh the output value in DUAL channel mode the refresh timing can be set.



What can you drive with the XMEGA DAC outputs ?

- The ouputs can drive loads of 1KOhm or capacitive loads of 100pF



It is possible to use the XMEGA DMA Controller to output data on DAC Channels.


See also Example Nr 2 below.


Calibration of DAC

To Calibrate to DAC you can use the values from the signature row or you can change manual the Dacb_ch0offsetcal andDacb_gaincal register.

For example for using signature row for DACB Ch0 this is:


= Readsig(32)                                             'DACB Calibration Byte 0 (DACBOFFCAL)
Dacb_ch0offsetcal = B                                       'write to the DACB offset register
Print #, "DACB Calibration Byte 0 = " ; B
= Readsig(33)                                             'DACB Calibration Byte 1 (DACBGAINCAL)
Dacb_gaincal = B
Print #, "DACB Calibration Byte 1 = " ; B


See also Atmel Application Note AVR1301 for further details.


See also




Example Nr 1

(For another example see also the example xm128a1.bas from the samples\chips folder)

$regfile = "xm256a3bdef.dat"
$crystal = 32000000 '32MHz
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 40
$framesize = 40
Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled '32MHz
'configure the systemclock
Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
Config Com7 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 'Portf.2 and Portf.3 is COM7
Open "COM7:" For Binary As #1
Dim Var As Byte
Config Portf.0 = Output
Led1 Alias Portf.0
Config Portf.1 = Output
Led2 Alias Portf.1
Config Dacb = Enabled , Io0 = Enabled , Channel = Single , Reference = Int1v , Interval = 64 , Refresh = 64
Dacb0 = 4095 '1 V output on portb.2
'Start Dacb ' to enable it
'Stop Dacb ' to disable it
Incr Var
Waitms 500
Dacb0 = 4095 '1 V output on portb.2
Set Led1
Reset Led2
Waitms 500
Reset Led1
Dacb0 = 0 '0 V output on portb.2
Set Led2
Print #1 , "Tick " ; Var
End 'end program

Example Nr 2 (Ouput an Array of data from SRAM to DAC B over DMA)

(This example is generating an sawtooth wave on DAC B Channel 0 = Portb.2 on ATXMEGA256A3B)

' Ouput an Array of data from SRAM to DAC B over DMA
' Timing: Timer/Counter TC0 feed the Event Channel 0
' Event Channel 0 feed the DAC B Channel 0
' Array Channel_0(1) is a word array filled with values
' DMA Channel 0 start at Channel_0(1) and increment until 8192 Byte (= 2*4096). After the DMA transaction the source address will be reloaded
' The destination address is the data register of DAC B Channel 0 and is incrementd once (to update the Low Byte and High Byte of the 12-Bit output value)
'Frequency of output signal = 32MHz/32 = 1MHz --> 1MHz/4096 (Sample_Count) = appx. 244Hz
$regfile = "xm256a3bdef.dat"
$crystal = 32000000 '32MHz
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 40
$framesize = 40
Config Osc = Disabled , 32mhzosc = Enabled '32MHz
'configure the systemclock
Config Sysclock = 32mhz , Prescalea = 1 , Prescalebc = 1_1
Config Priority = Static , Vector = Application , Lo = Enabled
Config Com7 = 57600 , Mode = Asynchroneous , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 'Portf.2 and Portf.3 is COM7
Open "COM7:" For Binary As #1
Print #1 ,
Print #1 , "Start DAC B Channel 0 over DMA Example"
Dim Var As Byte
Config Portf.0 = Output
Led1 Alias Portf.0
Config Portf.1 = Output
Led2 Alias Portf.1
Const Sample_count = 4096 'Number of 12-Bit Samples (Measurement Values)
Dim Channel_0(sample_count) As Word 'Array
Dim Dma_ready As Bit
Dim Dma_channel_0_error As Bit
Enable_dmach0 Alias Dma_ch0_ctrla.7 'Enable DMA Channel 0
Dim I As Word
For I = 1 To 4096 'From 0V .....3.3Volt (with Reference = avcc)
 Channel_0(i) = I 'Generate a Sawtooth wave
Config Tcc0 = Normal , Prescale = 1 'Setup Timer/Counter TC0 in nomal mode , Prescale = 1 --> no prescaler
Tcc0_per = 31 '31 --> 32MHz/32 = 1MHz
Config Event_system = Dummy , Mux0 = Tcc0_ovf 'TCC 0 overflow --> Event Channel 0
' The xm256a3bd only have one DAC (DAC B)
Config Dacb = Enabled , Io0 = Enabled , Channel = Single , Trigger_ch0 = Enabled , Event_channel = 0 , Reference = Avcc , Interval = 4 , Refresh = 16
' DAC B Channel 0 is triggered by Event Channel 0
' DMA Interrupt
On Dma_ch0 Dma_ch0_int 'Interrupt will be enabled with Tci = XX in Config DMAX
Config Dma = Enabled , Doublebuf = Disabled , Cpm = Rr ' enable DMA, Double Buffer disabled
' DMA Channel 0 is used here
Config Dmach0 = Enabled , Burstlen = 2 , Chanrpt = Enabled , Tci = Lo , Eil = Lo , Singleshot = Enabled , _
Sar = Transaction , Sam = Inc , Dar = Burst , Dam = Inc , Trigger = &H25 , Btc = 8192 , Repeat = 0 , Sadr = Varptr(channel_0(1)) , Dadr = Varptr(dacb_ch0datal)
' Trigger = &H25 (DAC B Base Level Trigger) + Channel 0 = &H00 --> &H25
' Burstlen is 2 byte because the DAC output value is a 12-Bit value you need to transfer 2 byte
' Source address (the array) is incremented until all bytes transfered (8192 byte)
' Destination address (DAC B Channel 0) is incremented once to transfer the low byte and high byte of the 12-bit value
' BTC = 8192 BYTE (needed to transfer the 4096 word)
' Reapeat = 0 --> repeat forever
Enable Interrupts
'Frequency of output signal = 32MHz/32 = 1MHz --> 1MHz/4096 (Sample_Count) = appx. 244Hz
End 'end program
'----------------------[Interrupt Service Routines]-----------------------------
' Dma_ch0_int is for DMA Channel ERROR Interrupt A N D for TRANSACTION COMPLETE Interrupt
' Which Interrupt fired must be checked in Interrupt Service Routine
 If Dma_intflags.0 = 1 Then 'Channel 0 Transaction Interrupt Flag
 Set Dma_intflags.0 'Clear the Channel 0 Transaction Complete flag
 Set Dma_ready
 End If
 If Dma_intflags.4 = 1 Then 'Channel 0 ERROR Flag
 Set Dma_intflags.4 'Clear the flag
 Set Dma_channel_0_error 'Channel 0 Error
 End If

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