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Configures the CAN bus mode.









The CAN bus can be set to 3 different modes.

- ENABLED : TxCAN and RxCAN are enabled.

- STANDBY : TxCAN is recessive and the receiver is disabled. The registers and mobs can be accessed.

- LISTENING : This mode is transparant for the CAN channel. It enables a hardware loop[ back from the internal TxCAN to the RxCAN. It provides a recessive level on the TxCAN output pin. It does NOT disable the RxCAN pin.


The CAN commands are intended for the AVR processor AT90CANXXX series.

You need to terminate the bus with 120 ohm at both ends.


Your code always need a number of statements.


Will reset the CAN controller. Use this only once.



Will clear all message objects. This is best to be done right after the CANRESET.



All devices on the bus need to have the same baud rate. Set the BAUD right after you have cleared all objects.



Now you chose the mode the bus will work in. This is ENABLED in most cases.



Here you define the properties of each Message Object. This need to be done only once.



Since the interrupt TX, RX and ERR interrupts are used you need to assign a value of &B10111000 to CANGIE.

You also need to assign an interrupt routine to the CANIT interrupt.


In the main code you can send data using CANSEND.


The interrupt routine.

The CANPAGE register is saved into the _CAN_PAGE variable. This is required since the interrupt may not change the CANPAGE register.

Then CANGETINTS is used to retreive all message object interrupt flags. The value is stored in _CAN_MOBINTS.


Since multiple Message Objects can cause an interrupt we check all message objects with a For.. Next loop to test all bits. If the bit is set, the Message Object is selected with CANSELPAGE.

Then the CANSTMOB register is tested for a number of bits/flags.

If bit 5 is set, it means that a frame was received. For the demo the ID is read with CANID.

The CANRECEIVE function reads the data from the frame into a variable. In the example the variable is a PORT which will change value depending on the receive data byte.

After this the CONFIG CANMOB is used with a value of -1 to indicate that the operation must be done on the current selected MOB.

The object is put back into receive mode.


If bit 6 is set it means that data was transmitted with success. Again, we use CONFIG CANMOB so the object can be used again. For transmitting we put the object into DISABLED mode.


And lastly we test bit 0, the MOB error bit. It if was set it means there was an error when data was sent using CANSEND. We must use CONFIG CANMOB so the MOB can be used again.


We must clear the CANSIT1 and CANSIT2 flag registers before we exit the interrupt routine. We also need to reset the interrupt flags in CANGIT. This is done by writing the same value back to CANGIT. A one will clear the flag if it was set.

Last we restore the CANPAGE register by writing _CAN_PAGE back to it.


While the interrupt routine shows some PRINT statements, it is not a good idea to print inside the/a interrupt routine. You should keep the delay as short as possible otherwise you might not be able to process all CAN frames.




See also





' CAN-Elektor.bas
' bascom-avr demo for Auto-CANtroller board
$regfile = "m32can.dat" ' processor we use
$crystal = 12000000 ' Crystal 12 MHz
$hwstack = 64
$swstack = 32
$framesize = 40
$prog &HFF , &HCF , &HD9 , &HFF ' generated. Take care that the chip supports all fuse bytes.
Config Porta = Output ' LED
Config Portc = Input ' DIP switch
Portc = 255 ' activate pull up
Config Com2 = 19200 , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
Open "COM2:" For Binary As #2
_can_page As Byte , _canid As Dword , _can_int_idx As Byte , _can_mobints As Word
Dim Breceived As Byte , Bok As Byte , Bdil As Byte
On Canit Can_int ' define the CAN interrupt
Enable Interrupts ' enable interrupts
Canreset ' reset can controller
Canclearallmobs ' clear alle message objects
Canbaud = 125000 ' use 125 KB
Config Canbusmode = Enabled ' enabled,standby,listening
Config Canmob = 0 , Bitlen = 11 , Idtag = &H0120 , Idmask = &H0120 , Msgobject = Receive , Msglen = 1 , Autoreply = Disabled 'first mob is used for receiving data
Config Canmob = 1 , Bitlen = 11 , Idtag = &H0120 , Msgobject = Disabled , Msglen = 1 ' this mob is used for sending data
Cangie = &B10111000 ' CAN GENERAL INTERRUPT and TX and RX and ERR
Print #2 , "Start"
If Pinc <> Bdil Then ' if the switch changed
 Bdil = Pinc ' save the value
 Bok = Cansend(1 , Pinc) ' send one byte using MOB 1
 Print #2 , Bok ' should be 0 if it was send OK
End If
'*********************** CAN CONTROLLER INTERRUPT ROUTINE **********************
'multiple objects can generate an interrupt
_can_page = Canpage ' save can page because the main program can access the page too
Cangetints ' read all the interrupts into variable _can_mobints
For _can_int_idx = 0 To 14 ' for all message objects
 If _can_mobints._can_int_idx = 1 Then ' if this message caused an interrupt
 Canselpage _can_int_idx ' select message object
 If Canstmob.5 = 1 Then ' we received a frame
 _canid = Canid() ' read the identifier
 Print #2 , Hex(_canid)
 Breceived = Canreceive(porta) ' read the data and store in PORTA
 Print #2 , "Got : " ; Breceived ; " bytes" ' show what we received
 Print #2 , Hex(porta)
 Config Canmob = -1 , Bitlen = 11 , Msgobject = Receive , Msglen = 1 , Autoreply = Disabled , Clearmob = No
 ' reconfig with value -1 for the current MOB and do not set ID and MASK
 Elseif Canstmob.0 = 1 Then 'transmission ERROR
 Config Canmob = -1 , Bitlen = 11 , Msgobject = Disabled , Msglen = 1 , Clearmob = No
 Elseif Canstmob.6 = 1 Then 'transmission ready
 Config Canmob = -1 , Bitlen = 11 , Msgobject = Disabled , Msglen = 1 , Clearmob = No
 ' reconfig with value -1 for the current MOB and do not set ID and MASK
 End If
 End If
Cansit1 = 0 : Cansit2 = 0 : Cangit = Cangit ' clear interrupt flags
Canpage =_can_page ' restore page

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