Controlling and monitoring of dryer
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Here is little project, which in the next once proves the superiority a controller AVR on rest processor.
This project was designed to control and monitoring the environmental conditions of a dryer that includes a set of sensors for measuring temperature and humidity. Two types of temperature sensors are used, SHT15 for ambient temperature measurement and MLX90614 to measure the surface temperature of the heater and the food.
The SHT15 sensor has capable of measuring temperature and humidity simultaneously. With integrated circuit technology, this sensor is able to measure accurately. While the MLX90614 sensor is using infrared technology to accurately measure temperature from a distance.
Microcontroller and lcd board
The microcontroller used is an ATMega 16-16PU, with a 11059200 Mhz Xtal oscillator. On the schematic are showed inter-connections between micro controller, ISP connector, MLX90614 Sensors, SHT15 sensor and a standard LCD display with 4 lines of 20 characters. As this schematic is also used on some others applications, there is some resistors added on it. This in order to share the programmer pins with the lcd, to have a maximum of microcontroller pins available free. There are some more resistors: they are used to avoid microcontroller output shorts in others uses of this board, and also as connections straps on the pcb. Except that there is nothing of special to said on this “classic” schematic (don’t forget the decoupling capacitors!). It is normally possible to use any other AVR microcontroller and board already available (with the same microcontroller or equivalent), To do that, it will be necessary to change the relevant initialization parameters on the Bascom program. No tests have been done with any other board.
$regfile = "m16def.dat" ' specify the used micro $crystal = 11059200 ' used crystal frequency $baud = 38400 ' use baud rate '.................................................LCD Configuration.................................................... Config Lcdpin = Pin , Db4 = Porta.2 , Db5 = Porta.3 , Db6 = Porta.4 , Db7 = Porta.5 , E = Porta.1 , Rs = Porta.0 Config Lcd = 20 * 4 Config Lcdbus = 4 '.....................................................Variable........................................................... Dim Interval As Byte , Settemp As Single , Settemptime As Word , Speed As Single , Z As Single Dim Kbd As Byte , I As Byte , S(5) As String * 3 , B As Single , C As Single , K As Single Dim Dama As String * 8 , A As Byte , Minute As Byte , Hour As Byte , Fruittemp As Single Dim Tin As Single , Tout As Single , Rin As Single , Rout As Single , Heatertemp As Single Dim Adres As Byte , Value As Byte , Temp As Single , Tempword As Word , U As Single Dim Ctr As Byte , Dataword As Word , Command As Byte , Dis As String * 20 , Calc As Single Dim Calc2 As Single , Rhlinear As Single , Rhlintemp As Single , Tempc As Single , Tempf As Single Dim M As Word , Tamp As Single , Pamp As Single , Key As Byte '...................................................Sub function........................................................... Declare Sub Read_ram1(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte) Declare Sub Read_ram2(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte) Declare Sub Getit1 Declare Sub Getit2 '...................................................Interrupt........................................................ Enable Interrupts Config Clock = Soft 'This command inits the clock Config Date = Ymd , Separator = - ' ANSI-Format Date$ = "12-02-26" Time$ = "20:35:00" Input "Enter the time (hh:mm:ss):" , Time$ Input "Enter the date (mm/dd/yy):" , Date$ Config Porta.6 = Output ' Lcd intialization Config Porta.7 = Output ' Heater output '....................................................sensor configuration............................................ Config Scl = Portc.0 Config Sda = Portc.1 Const Addressw1 = &B00001000 'slave write address, slave address is 4 Const Addressr1 = &B00001001 'slave read address ,slave address is 4 Const Addressw2 = &B00000110 'slave write address, slave address is 3 Const Addressr2 = &B00000111 'slave read address ,slave address is 3 Const C1 = -4 Const C2 = 0.0405 Const C3 = -0.0000028 Const T1c = .01 Const T2 = .00008 Const T1f = .018 Sck Alias Portc.2 Dataout1 Alias Portc.3 Datain1 Alias Pinc.3 Dataout2 Alias Portc.4 Datain2 Alias Pinc.4 Ddrc = &B11111111 'all port C are output Config Pinc.2 = Output 'sck Config Pinc.3 = Output Config Pinc.4 = Output 'datain ' .............................................LCD Configuration...................................................... Set Porta.6 Cls Cursor Off Wait 1 Cls Deflcdchar 0 , 32 , 32 , 32 , 25 , 26 , 4 , 11 , 19 ' Precent Deflcdchar 1 , 24 , 24 , 32 , 15 , 8 , 8 , 8 , 15 ' Centigerad 'reset the serial communications first, it is easily confused! Set Dataout1 Set Dataout2 For Ctr = 1 To 12 Set Sck Waitus 2 Reset Sck Waitus 2 Next Ctr Cls Cursor Off '.......................................main program................................................................ Do '........................................time display.................................................................. Locate 1 , 1 Lcd Time$ Locate 1 , 11 Lcd "20" Locate 1 , 13 Lcd Date$ 'Waitms 250 '...........................................................sensors................................................... 'MLX1 Call Read_ram1(&B00000110 , Value) : Temp = Tempword * 0.02 Temp = Temp - 273.15 Dama = Fusing(temp , "##.##") Locate 2 , 1 'Lcd "A=" ; Dama ; Chr(1) 'print T ambiant Call Read_ram1(&B00000111 , Value) : Temp = Tempword * 0.02 Temp = Temp - 273.15 Heatertemp = Temp Dama = Fusing(temp , "##.##") Locate 2 , 11 Lcd "Ht=" ; Dama ; Chr(1) 'again for T object 'MLX2 Call Read_ram2(&B00000110 , Value) : Temp = Tempword * 0.02 Temp = Temp - 273.15 Dama = Fusing(temp , "##.##") Locate 1 , 1 'Lcd "A=" ; Dama ; Chr(1) 'print T ambiant Call Read_ram2(&B00000111 , Value) : Temp = Tempword * 0.02 Temp = Temp - 273.15 Fruittemp = Temp Dama = Fusing(temp , "##.##") Locate 2 , 1 Lcd "Fr=" ; Dama ; Chr(1) 'again for T object 'SHT1 Command = &B00000011 Call Getit1 'Get the temperature, puts result in "dataword" for us ' Tempf = T1f * Dataword Tempf = Tempf - 40 Tempc = T1c * Dataword 'get celcius for later calculations and for "the rest of the world" Tempc = Tempc - 40 Tout = Tempc Dis = Fusing(tempc , "###.##") Locate 3 , 11 Lcd "Out=" ; Dis ; Chr(1) ' print T ambiant 'SHT2 Command = &B00000011 Call Getit2 'Get the temperature, puts result in "dataword" for us ' Tempf = T1f * Dataword Tempf = Tempf - 40 Tempc = T1c * Dataword 'get celcius for later calculations and for "the rest of the world" Tempc = Tempc - 40 Tin = Tempc Dis = Fusing(tempc , "###.##") Locate 3 , 1 Lcd "In=" ; Dis ; Chr(1) ' print T ambiant ' SHT1 Command = &B00000101 Call Getit1 'get the humidity Calc = C2 * Dataword Calc2 = Dataword * Dataword 'that "2" in the datasheet sure looked like a footnote for a couple days, nope it means "squared"! Calc2 = C3 * Calc2 Calc = Calc + C1 Rhlinear = Calc + Calc2 'Dis = Fusing(rhlinear , "##.##") 'Print "Humidity adjusted for linear = " ; Dis Calc = T2 * Dataword Calc = Calc + T1c Calc2 = Tempc - 25 Calc = Calc2 * Calc Rhlintemp = Calc + Rhlinear Rhlintemp = Tempc / 10.0 Rhlintemp = Rin + Rhlintemp Dis = Fusing(rhlintemp , "##.##") Locate 4 , 11 Lcd "Out=" ; Dis ; Chr(0) 'print Humudity 'SHT2 Command = &B00000101 Call Getit2 'get the humidity Calc = C2 * Dataword Calc2 = Dataword * Dataword 'that "2" in the datasheet sure looked like a footnote for a couple days, nope it means "squared"! Calc2 = C3 * Calc2 Calc = Calc + C1 Rhlinear = Calc + Calc2 'Dis = Fusing(rhlinear , "##.##") 'Print "Humidity adjusted for linear = " ; Dis Calc = T2 * Dataword Calc = Calc + T1c Calc2 = Tempc - 25 Calc = Calc2 * Calc Rhlintemp = Calc + Rhlinear Rin = Rhlintemp Dis = Fusing(rhlintemp , "##.##") Locate 4 , 1 Lcd "In=" ; Dis ; Chr(0) 'print Humudity '......................................heater control...................................... M = _hour * 60 M = M + _min If Settemptime =< M And Settemp >= Heatertemp Then Set Porta.7 Else Reset Porta.7 End If '.....................................sending control.................................... C = _sec. / Interval B = Round(c) If B = C Then 'And K = Z If Key <= 5 Then Pamp = 0.008 Tamp = Key * 0.00015 Tamp = Tamp + 0.035 Elseif Key =< 6 And Key > 5 Then Pamp = 0.021 Tamp = Key * 0.00015 Tamp = Tamp + 0.035 Elseif Key > 6 And Key < 10 Then Pamp = Key * 0.01 Tamp = Key * 0.00015 Tamp = Tamp + 0.035 Elseif Key >= 10 And Key < 20 Then U = Key + 3 Pamp = U * 0.01 Tamp = U * 0.00015 Tamp = Tamp + 0.035 Elseif Key >= 20 Then U = Key + 6 Pamp = U * 0.01 Tamp = U * 0.00015 Tamp = Tamp + 0.035 End If Print Spc(2) ; Time$ ; Spc(3) ; "Ht=" ; Fusing(heatertemp , "#.##") ; Spc(5) ; "Ft=" ; Fusing(fruittemp , "#.##")_ ;spc(10) ; "Tin=" ; Fusing(tin , "#.##") ; Spc(10) ; "Tout=" ; Fusing(tout , "#.##") Print ; Spc(2) ; "RHin=" ; Fusing(rin , "#.##") ; Spc(2) ; "RHout=" ; Fusing(rout , "#.##")_ ;Spc(2) ; "Taskamper=" ; Fusing(tamp , "#.###") ; Spc(2) ; "PowerAmper=" ; Fusing(pamp , "#.###") Print End If Loop End '...........................................sample of reading a byte from Ram........................................... Sub Read_ram1(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte) Tempword = 0 I2cstart 'generate start I2cwbyte Addressw1 'slave adsress(write) I2cwbyte Adres 'address of EEPROM or commend I2cstart 'repeated start I2cwbyte Addressr1 'slave address (read) I2crbyte Value , Ack Tempword = Value Shift Tempword , Left , 8 I2crbyte Value , Ack Tempword = Tempword Or Value I2crbyte Value , Nack 'read byte I2cstop 'generate stop Rotate Tempword , Left , 8 End Sub Sub Read_ram2(byval Adres As Byte , Value As Byte) Tempword = 0 I2cstart 'generate start I2cwbyte Addressw2 'slave adsress(write) I2cwbyte Adres 'address of EEPROM or commend I2cstart 'repeated start I2cwbyte Addressr2 'slave address (read) I2crbyte Value , Ack Tempword = Value Shift Tempword , Left , 8 I2crbyte Value , Ack Tempword = Tempword Or Value I2crbyte Value , Nack 'read byte I2cstop 'generate stop Rotate Tempword , Left , 8 End Sub Sub Getit1 Local Datavalue As Word Local Databyte As Byte 'start with "transmission start" Set Sck Reset Dataout1 Reset Sck Set Sck Set Dataout1 Reset Sck 'now send the command Shiftout Dataout1 , Sck , Command , 1 Ddrc = &B11110111 'datain is now input Config Pinc.3 = Input 'datain Set Sck 'click one more off Reset Sck Waitus 10 'no idea why, but it doesn't work without it! Bitwait Pinc.3 , Reset 'wait for the chip to have data ready Shiftin Datain1 , Sck , Databyte , 1 'get the MSB Datavalue = Databyte Ddrc = &B11111111 Config Pinc.3 = Output Reset Dataout1 'this is the tricky part- Lot's of hair pulling- have to tick the ack! Set Sck Reset Sck Ddrc = &B11110111 'datain is now input Config Pinc.3 = Input Shiftin Datain1 , Sck , Databyte , 1 'get the LSB Shift Datavalue , Left , 8 Datavalue = Datavalue Or Databyte 'don't tick the clock or ack since we don't need the CRC value, leave it hanging! Dataword = Datavalue Ddrc = &B11111111 Config Pinc.3 = Output Reset Dataout1 Set Sck Reset Sck Ddrc = &B11110111 'datain is now input Config Pinc.3 = Input Shiftin Datain1 , Sck , Databyte , 1 'not using the CRC value for now- can't figure it out! Anybody know how to impliment? 'Print "CRC value was - " ; Databyte Ddrc = &B11111111 Config Pinc.3 = Output Set Dataout1 Set Sck Reset Sck End Sub Sub Getit2 Local Datavalue As Word Local Databyte As Byte 'start with "transmission start" Set Sck Reset Dataout2 Reset Sck Set Sck Set Dataout2 Reset Sck 'now send the command Shiftout Dataout2 , Sck , Command , 1 Ddrc = &B11101111 'datain is now input Config Pinc.4 = Input 'datain Set Sck 'click one more off Reset Sck Waitus 10 'no idea why, but it doesn't work without it! Bitwait Pinc.4 , Reset 'wait for the chip to have data ready Shiftin Datain2 , Sck , Databyte , 1 'get the MSB Datavalue = Databyte Ddrc = &B11111111 Config Pinc.4 = Output Reset Dataout2 'this is the tricky part- Lot's of hair pulling- have to tick the ack! Set Sck Reset Sck Ddrc = &B11101111 'datain is now input Config Pinc.4 = Input Shiftin Datain2 , Sck , Databyte , 1 'get the LSB Shift Datavalue , Left , 8 Datavalue = Datavalue Or Databyte 'don't tick the clock or ack since we don't need the CRC value, leave it hanging! Dataword = Datavalue Ddrc = &B11111111 Config Pinc.4 = Output Reset Dataout2 Set Sck Reset Sck Ddrc = &B11101111 'datain is now input Config Pinc.4 = Input Shiftin Datain2 , Sck , Databyte , 1 'not using the CRC value for now- can't figure it out! Anybody know how to impliment? 'Print "CRC value was - " ; Databyte Ddrc = &B11111111 Config Pinc.4 = Output Set Dataout2 Set Sck Reset Sck End Sub
Written by: Mohammad Jafar Dalvand , Iran, University of Tehran
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