Tips and tricks
Tips & Tricks:
1. You can specify a binary number with the &B and you can use underscore "_" like:
Dim Var As Byte
Var = &B00_110000
Var = &B0000_1111
Var = &B00_11_00_11
2. How to use longer formulas:
Dim A As Byte
Dim B As Byte
Dim C As Byte
' Now you want to use following formula: a = B / 4 + C
' In Bascom you write
A = B / 4
A = A + C
3. You can use more than one Bascom statement in one line with colons ":"
Dim A As Byte
Dim B As Byte
Dim C As Byte
' Now you want to use following formula: a = B / 4 + C
' In Bascom you write
A = B / 4 : A = A + C
4. You can use overlay to have easy access to the low byte and high byte of a WORD
(the same approach also work for e.g. LONG)
Dim My_word As Word
Dim Low_byte As Byte At My_word Overlay
Dim High_byte As Byte At My_word + 1 Overlay
Low_byte = &B0000_1111
High_byte = &B1111_0000
' This is how it will be stored in SRAM
' <-------my_word-------->
' +-----------+----------+
' | Low_byte |High_byte |
' +-----------+----------+
5. To split a word into High byte and Low byte you can also use <a _fcknotitle="true" href="HIGH">HIGH</a> and <a _fcknotitle="true" href="LOW">LOW</a>
6. Here is a way to print the content of a variable or AVR register:
Use Print Bin(X)
$regfile = "m88def.dat" ' we use the M88
$crystal = 8000000
$baud = 19200
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 8
$framesize = 24
Dim A As Byte
A = &B00000001
A = A * 2
Print Bin(a)
End ' end program
7. If you do not want that Bascom-AVR is sending Carriage + Return after a print command use semi-colon ";" after the print funtion:
$regfile = "m88def.dat" ' specify the used micro
$crystal = 8000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space
Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
Print "Hello World" ;
8. For the user who want to use external editors:
The bascomp.exe has been updated. It can be downloaded from the download section.
It now supports a simpler way to be called.
The utility has been updated and now will retrieve all info from the source file, but only when your main program contains these directive :
$regfile, $hwstack, $swstack, $framesize
Example :
bascomp.exe "c:\my folder\source\sample.bas" auto
The 'auto' is a switch so the utility will retrieve the settings from your code.
9. You can use $initmicro if you want to run special tasks at startup:
See <a _fcknotitle="true" href="%24INITMICRO">$INITMICRO</a>
10. You can use $include to make larger projects better readable: See <a _fcknotitle="true" href="%24INCLUDE">$INCLUDE</a>
11. Your LCD is not working and you need a list of steps what do check:
a. Check fuse bit settings
b. Are the AVR pins are OK ?
To test the AVR pins you can do following:
Write a program that toggles all the lcd pins and then measure the logic level.
Then check with a DVM or led-series resistor if all pins change level. if they do, there is a problem with the lcd
If the pin do not toggle:
- pin defect
- track or solder problem.
Here the test program:
$regfile = "m328pdef.dat" ' Specify The Used Micro
$crystal = 16000000 ' used crystal frequency
$baud = 19200 ' use baud rate
$hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for thehardware stack
$swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for theSW stack
$framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for theframe space
Config Clockdiv = 1 ' divide xtal clock by 1, default fuse bit is set ' to 8 by elektor
Config Portc.3 = Output ' RW
Config Portd.4 = Output ' Db4
Config Portd.5 = Output ' Db5
Config Portd.6 = Output ' Db6
Config Portd.6 = Output ' Db7
Config Portc.1 = Output ' E
Config Portc.2 = Output ' RS
toggle portc
toggle portd
waitms 1000
End ' end program
12. With the Lib Manager you can compile a Library (*.lib) into an *.lbx file.
See here: <a href="Tools%20LIB%20Manager">Tools LIB Manager</a>
13. There is a timeout function for hardware and software UART
See <a _fcknotitle="true" href="%24TIMEOUT">$TIMEOUT</a>
14. How to use the Powerdown function:
If you can not measure the same power down current as written in the data sheet you also need to use a
Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator to meet that specs (if you measure the current including the Current LDO Regulator).
Examples for 3.3Volt Low Quiescent Current LDO Regulator :
• | MCP1702 --> typical 2µA |
• | MCP1700 --> typical 1.6µA |
• | AS1375 low power LDO --> 1µA (typ.) of quiescent current |
• | TPS78233 3,3V --> 0.4µA |
' Using the new config powermode = PowerDown function with ATTINY13
' Used Bascom-AVR Version
' Fuse Bits:
' Disable DWEN (Debug Wire) Fuse Bit
' Disable Brown-Out Detection in Fuse Bits
' Disable Watchdog in Fuse Bits
' You can also just use Config Powermode = Powerdown
' But this example here also considers what the data sheet write under "MINIMIZING POWER CONSUMPTION"
' You need to follow this when you want to achieve the current consumption which you find in the
' data sheet under Powerdown Mode.
' 1. Disable/Switch off ADC
' 2. Disable/Switch off Analog Comparator
' 3. Disable Brown-out Detection when not needed
' 4. Disable internal voltage reference
' 5. Disable Watchdog Timer when not needed
' 6. Disable the digital input buffer
' 7. Enable Pull-up or pull-down an all unused pins
$regfile = "attiny13.dat"
$crystal = 9600000 ' 9.6MHz
$hwstack = 10
$swstack = 0
$framesize = 24
On Int0 Int0_isr ' INT0 will be the wake-up source for Powerdown Mode
Config Int0 = Low Level
Enable Int0
' Prepare Powerdown:
' To minimize power consumption, enable pull-up or -down on all unused pins, and
' disable the digital input buffer on pins that are connected to analog sources
Config Portb.0 = Input
Set Portb.0
Config Portb.1 = Input ' INT0 --> external 47K pull-up
'Set Portb.1
Config Portb.2 = Input
Set Portb.2
Config Portb.3 = Input
Set Portb.3
Config Portb.4 = Input
Set Portb.4
Config Portb.5 = Input ' External Pull-Up (Reset)
Didr0 = Bits(ain1d , Ain0d) ' Disable digital input buffer on the AIN1/0 pin
Set Acsr.acd ' Switch off the power to the Analog Comparator
' alternative:
' Stop Ac
Reset Acsr.acbg ' Disable Analog Comparator Bandgap Select
Reset Adcsra.aden ' Switch off ADC
' alternative:
' Stop Adc
Wait 3 ' now we have 3 second to measure the Supply Current
' in Active Mode
Enable Interrupts
' Now call Powerdown function
Config Powermode = Powerdown
' Here you have time to measure PowerDown current consumption until a Low Level
' on Portb.1 which is the PowerDown wake-up
' wake_up
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