Contents |
Sends a byte to a hardware port or internal or external memory address.
OUT address, value
Address |
The address where to send the byte to in the range of 0-FFFF hex. For Xmega which supports huge memory, the address is in range from 0-&HFFFFFF. |
Value |
The variable or value to output. |
The OUT statement can write a value to any AVR memory location.
It is advised to use Words for the address. An integer might have a negative value and will write of course to a word address. So it will be 32767 higher as supposed. This because an integer has it's most significant bit set when it is negative.
To write to XRAM locations you must enable the External RAM access in the Compiler Chip Options.
You do not need to use OUT when setting a port variable. Port variables and other registers of the micro can be set like this : PORTB = value , where PORTB is the name of the register.
Take special care when using register variables. The address-part of the OUT statement, expects a numeric variable or constant. When you use a hardware register like for example PORTB, what will happen is that the value of PORTB will be used. Just as when you use a variable, it will use the variable value.
So when the goal is to just write to a hardware register, you need to use the normal assignment : PORTB=3
See also
Out &H8000 , 1 'send 1 to the databus(d0-d7) at hex address 8000 End
Languages | English • Deutsch |