Contents |
Branch to one of several specified labels, depending on the value of a variable.
ON var [GOTO] [GOSUB] label1 [, label2 ] [,CHECK]
Var |
The numeric variable to test. This can also be a SFR such as PORTB. |
label1, label2 |
The labels to jump to depending on the value of var. |
An optional check for the number of provided labels. |
Note that the value is zero based. So when var is 0, the first specified label is jumped/branched.
It is important that each possible value has an associated label.
When there are not enough labels, the stack will get corrupted. For example :
ON value label1, label2
And value = 2, there is no associated label.
You can use the optional CHECK so the compiler will check the value against the number of provided labels. When there are not enough labels for the value, there will be no GOTO or GOSUB and the next line will be executed.
See Also
The following code will be generated for a non-MEGA micro with ON value GOTO.
Ldi R26,$60 ; load address of variable
Ldi R27,$00 ; load constant in register
Ld R24,X
Clr R25
Ldi R30, Low(ON_1_ * 1) ; load Z with address of the label
Ldi R31, High(ON_1_ * 1)
Add zl,r24 ; add value to Z
Adc zh,r25
Ijmp ; jump to address stored in Z
Rjmp lbl1 ; jump table
Rjmp lbl2
Rjmp lbl3
The following code will be generated for a non-MEGA micro with ON value GOSUB.
;##### On X Gosub L1 , L2
Ldi R30,Low(ON_1_EXIT * 1)
Ldi R31,High(ON_1_EXIT * 1)
Push R30 ;push return address
Push R31
Ldi R30,Low(ON_1_ * 1) ;load table address
Ldi R31,High(ON_1_ * 1)
Ldi R26,$60
Ld R24,X
Clr R25
Add zl,r24 ; add to address of jump table
Adc zh,r25
Ijmp ; jump !!!
Rjmp L1
Rjmp L2
As you can see a jump is used to call the routine. Therefore the return address is first saved on the stack.
'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'name : ongosub.bas 'copyright : (c) 1995-2005, MCS Electronics 'purpose : demo : ON .. GOSUB/GOTO 'micro : Mega48 'suited for demo : yes 'commercial addon needed : no '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "m48def.dat" ' specify the used micro $crystal = 4000000 ' used crystal frequency $baud = 19200 ' use baud rate $hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack $swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack $framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space Dim A As Byte Input "Enter value 0-2 " , A 'ask for input Rem Note That The Starting Value Begins With 0 On A Gosub L0 , L1 , L2 Print "Returned" If Portb < 2 Then 'you can also use the portvalue On Portb Goto G0 , G1 End If End_prog: End L0: Print "0 entered" Return L1: Print "1 entered" Return L2: Print "2 entered" Return G0: Print "P1 = 0" Goto End_prog G1: Print "P1 = 1" Goto End_prog
Languages | English • Deutsch |