Contents |
Create settings related to USB.
CONFIG USB = dev, Language= lang, Manufact= "man", Product="prod" , Serial="serial"
Dev |
The possible options are Device and Host. Host is not supported yet. |
Lang |
A language identifier. &H0409 for US/English |
Man |
A string constant with the manufacture name. |
Prod |
A string constant with the product name. |
Serial |
A string constant with the serial number. |
The above settings determine how your device is displayed by the operating system.
Since these settings end up in flash code space, it is best to chose short names. There is no limit to the length other then the USB specifications impose, but keep it short as possible. Strings in USB are UNI coded. Which mean that a word is used for each character. with normal ASCII coding, only a byte is used for each character.
For a commercial USB device you need to give it a unique VID & PID combination. When you plan to use it at home, this is not needed.
You can buy a Vendor ID (VID) from the USB organization. This cost 2000 $.
As a service MCS offers a PID in the on line shop. This cost little and it gives you a unique Product ID(PID) but with the MCS Electronics VID.
Notice that using CONFIG USB will include a file named USBINC.BAS. This file is not part of the BASCOM setup/distribution. It is available as a commercial add on. The add on package includes 3 samples , the include file, and a special activeX for the HID demo.
None of the samples require a driver. A small UB162 module with normal pins is available from the on line shop too.
The first supported USB devices are USB1287, USB162.
See also
$regfile = "usb162.dat" $crystal = 8000000 $baud = 19200 Const Mdbg = 1 Config Clockdiv = 1 Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0 Const Vendor_id = &H16D0 ' MCS Vendor ID Const Product_id = &H201D ' MCS product ID, you can buy a VID&PID in the MCS shop Const Ep_control_length = 32 Const User_conf_size = 41 Const Size_of_report = 53 Const Device_class = 0 Const Device_sub_class = 0 Const Device_protocol = 0 Const Release_number = &H1000 Const Length_of_report_in = 8 Const Length_of_report_out = 8 Const Interface_nb = 0 Const Alternate = 0 Const Nb_endpoint = 2 Const Interface_class = 3 ' HID Const Interface_sub_class = 0 Const Interface_protocol = 0 Const Interface_index = 0 Config Com1 = Dummy , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0 Print "USB GENERIC test" Declare Sub Usb_user_endpoint_init Declare Sub Hid_test_hit() Declare Sub Hid_task() Declare Sub Hid_task_init() Const Usb_config_attributes_reserved = &H80 Const Usb_config_buspowered = Usb_config_attributes_reserved Const Usb_config_selfpowered = Usb_config_attributes_reserved Or &H40 Const Usb_config_remotewakeup = Usb_config_attributes_reserved Or &H20 Const Nb_interface = 1 Const Conf_nb = 1 Const Conf_index = 0 Const Conf_attributes = Usb_config_buspowered Const Max_power = 50 ' 100 mA Const Interface_nb_mouse = 0 Const Alternate_mouse = 0 Const Nb_endpoint_mouse = 1 Const Interface_class_mouse = 3 ' HID Class Const Interface_sub_class_mouse = 1 ' Sub Class is Mouse Const Interface_protocol_mouse = 2 ' Mouse Const Interface_index_mouse = 0 Const Nb_endpoints = 2 ' number of endpoints in the application including control endpoint Const Ep_kbd_in = 1 ' Number of the mouse interrupt IN endpoint Const Ep_hid_in = 1 Const Ep_hid_out = 2 Const Endpoint_nb_1 = Ep_hid_in Or &H80 Const Ep_attributes_1 = 3 ' BULK = 0x02, INTERUPT = 0x03 Const Ep_in_length_1 = 8 Const Ep_size_1 = Ep_in_length_1 Const Ep_interval_1 = 20 ' Interrupt polling interval from host Const Endpoint_nb_2 = Ep_hid_out Const Ep_attributes_2 = 3 ' BULK = 0x02, INTERUPT = 0x03 Const Ep_out_length = 8 Const Ep_size_2 = Ep_out_length Const Ep_interval_2 = 20 ' interrupt polling from host Config Usb = Device , Language = &H0409 , Manufact = "MCS" , Product = "MCSHID162" , Serial = "MC0001" 'Dim some user vars Dim Usb_kbd_state As Byte , Usb_key As Byte , Usb_data_to_send As Byte Dim Dummy As Byte , Dummy1 As Byte , Dummy2 As Byte Print "task init" Usb_task_init Hid_task_init Do Usb_task Hid_task 'you can call your sub program here Loop 'nothing needed to init Sub Hid_task_init() 'nothing end sub 'HID task must be checked regular Sub Hid_task() If Usb_connected = 1 Then ' Check USB HID is enumerated Usb_select_endpoint Ep_hid_out ' Get Data Repport From Host If Ueintx.rxouti = 1 Then ' Is_usb_receive_out()) Dummy1 = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy1 Dummy2 = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy2 Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy Dummy = Uedatx : Print "Got : " ; Dummy Usb_ack_receive_out End If If Dummy1 = &H55 And Dummy2 = &HAA Then ' Check if we received DFU mode command from host Usb_detach ' Detach Actual Generic Hid Application Waitms 500 Goto &H1800 'goto bootloader 'here you could call the bootloader then End If Usb_select_endpoint Ep_hid_in ' Ready to send these information to the host application If Ueintx.txini = 1 Then ' Is_usb_in_ready()) Uedatx = 1 Uedatx = 2 Uedatx = 3 Uedatx = 4 Uedatx = 5 Uedatx = 6 Uedatx = 7 Uedatx = 8 Usb_ack_fifocon ' Send data over the USB End If End If End Sub Function Usb_user_read_request(type As Byte , Request As Byte) As Byte #if Mdbg Print "USB_USER_READ_REQ" #endif Usb_string_type = Uedatx 'Usb_read_byte(); Usb_descriptor_type = Uedatx 'Usb_read_byte(); Usb_user_read_request = 0 Select Case Request Case Get_descriptor: Select Case Usb_descriptor_type Case Report : Call Hid_get_report() Usb_user_read_request = 1 Case Hid : Call Hid_get_hid_descriptor() Usb_user_read_request = 1 Case Else Usb_user_read_request = 0 End Select Case Set_configuration: Select Case Usb_descriptor_type Case Set_report : Call Hid_set_report() Usb_user_read_request = 1 Case Else Usb_user_read_request = 0 End Select Case Get_interface: '// usb_hid_set_idle(); Call Usb_hid_get_interface() Usb_user_read_request = 1 Case Else Usb_user_read_request = 0 End Select End Function 'usb_init_device. 'This function initializes the USB device controller and 'configures the Default Control Endpoint. Sub Usb_init_device() #if Usbfunc Usb_select_device #endif #if Usbfunc If = 1 Then 'is it an USB device? #endif Uenum = Ep_control ' select USB endpoint If Ueconx.epen = 0 Then ' usb endpoint not enabled yet Call Usb_configure_endpoint(ep_control , Type_control , Direction_out , Size_32 , One_bank , Nyet_disabled) End If #if Usbfunc End If #endif End Sub Sub Usb_user_endpoint_init(byval Nm As Byte) Call Usb_configure_endpoint(ep_hid_in , Type_interrupt , Direction_in , Size_8 , One_bank , Nyet_enabled) Call Usb_configure_endpoint(ep_hid_out , Type_interrupt , Direction_out , Size_8 , One_bank , Nyet_enabled) End Sub Usb_dev_desc: Data 18 , Device_descriptor 'size and device_descriptor Data 0 , 2 'Usb_write_word_enum_struc(USB_SPECIFICATION) Data Device_class , Device_sub_class ' DEVICE_CLASS and DEVICE_SUB_CLASS Data Device_protocol , Ep_control_length ' device protol and ep_control_length Data Vendor_id% ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(VENDOR_ID) Data Product_id% ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(PRODUCT_ID) Data Release_number% ' Usb_write_word_enum_struc(RELEASE_NUMBER) Data Man_index , Prod_index ' MAN_INDEX and PROD_INDEX Data Sn_index , Nb_configuration ' SN_INDEX and NB_CONFIGURATION Usb_conf_desc: Data 9 , Configuration_descriptor ' length , CONFIGURATION descriptor Data User_conf_size% ' total length of data returned Data Nb_interface , Conf_nb ' number of interfaces for this conf. , value for SetConfiguration resquest Data Conf_index , Conf_attributes ' index of string descriptor , Configuration characteristics Data Max_power ' maximum power consumption Data 9 , Interface_descriptor 'length , INTERFACE descriptor type Data Interface_nb , Alternate 'Number of interface , value to select alternate setting Data Nb_endpoint , Interface_class 'Number of EP except EP 0 ,Class code assigned by the USB Data Interface_sub_class , Interface_protocol 'Sub-class code assigned by the USB , Protocol code assigned by the USB Data Interface_index 'Index Of String Descriptor Data 9 , Hid_descriptor 'length , HID descriptor type Data Hid_bdc% , 8 ' Binay Coded Decimal Spec. release , Hid_country_code Data Hid_class_desc_nb , Hid_descriptor_type 'Number of HID class descriptors to follow , Report descriptor type Data Size_of_report% 'HID KEYBOARD LENGTH Data 7 , Endpoint_descriptor ' Size Of This Descriptor In Bytes , ENDPOINT descriptor type Data Endpoint_nb_1 , Ep_attributes_1 ' Address of the endpoint ,Endpoint's attributes Data Ep_size_1% ' Maximum packet size for this EP , Interval for polling EP in ms Data Ep_interval_1 Data 7 , Endpoint_descriptor ' Size Of This Descriptor In Bytes , ENDPOINT descriptor type Data Endpoint_nb_2 , Ep_attributes_2 ' Address of the endpoint , Endpoint's attributes Data Ep_size_2% ' Maximum packet size for this EP Data Ep_interval_2 ' Interval for polling EP in ms Usb_hid_report: Data &H06 , &HFF , &HFF ' 04|2 , Usage Page (vendordefined?) Data &H09 , &H01 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined Data &HA1 , &H01 ' A0|1 , Collection (Application) ' // IN report Data &H09 , &H02 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined) Data &H09 , &H03 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined) Data &H15 , &H00 ' 14|1 , Logical Minimum(0 for signed byte?) Data &H26 , &HFF , &H00 ' 24|1 , Logical Maximum(255 for signed byte?) Data &H75 , &H08 ' 74|1 , Report Size(8) = field size in bits = 1 byte Data &H95 , Length_of_report_in ' 94|1:ReportCount(size) = repeat count of previous item Data &H81 , &H02 ' 80|1: IN report (Data,Variable, Absolute) ' // OUT report Data &H09 , &H04 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined) Data &H09 , &H05 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined) Data &H15 , &H00 ' 14|1 , Logical Minimum(0 for signed byte?) Data &H26 , &HFF , &H00 ' 24|1 , Logical Maximum(255 for signed byte?) Data &H75 , &H08 ' 74|1 , Report Size(8) = field size in bits = 1 byte Data &H95 , Length_of_report_out ' 94|1:ReportCount(size) = repeat count of previous item Data &H91 , &H02 ' 90|1: OUT report (Data,Variable, Absolute) ' // Feature report Data &H09 , &H06 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined) Data &H09 , &H07 ' 08|1 , Usage (vendordefined) Data &H15 , &H00 ' 14|1 , LogicalMinimum(0 for signed byte) Data &H26 , &HFF , &H00 ' 24|1 , Logical Maximum(255 for signed byte) Data &H75 , &H08 ' 74|1 , Report Size(8) =field size in bits = 1 byte Data &H95 , &H04 ' 94|1:ReportCount Data &HB1 , &H02 ' B0|1: Feature report Data &HC0 ' C0|0 , End Collection
Languages | English • Deutsch |