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Configures the timer and HITAG variables.
CONFIG HITAG = prescale, TYPE=tp, DOUT = dout, DIN=din , CLOCK=clock, INT=int
CONFIG HITAG = prescale, TYPE=tp, DEMOD= demod, INT=@int
syntax for HTRC110
prescale |
The pre scaler value that is used by TIMER0. A value of 8 and 256 will work at 8 MHz. |
tp |
The kind of RFID chip you use. Use HTRC110. |
The pin that is connected to the DOUT pin of the HTRC110. This pin is used in input mode since DOUT is an output. A pin that support the pin-change interrupt or the PCINT should be selected. |
The pin that is connected to the DIN pin of the HTRC110. This pin is used in output mode. You can chose any pin that can be used in output mode. |
The pin that is connected tot the CLOCK pin of the HTRC110. This pin is used in output mode. You can chose any pin that can be used in output mode. |
The interrupt used. Note that you need to precede the interrupt with an @ sign. For example for INT1 you provide : @INT1 |
syntax for EM4095
prescale |
The pre scaler value that is used by TIMER0. A value of 8 and 256 will work at 8 MHz. |
tp |
The kind of RFID chip you use. Use EM4095. |
demod |
The pin that is connected to the DEMOD pin of the EM4095. This pin is used in input mode. A pin that support the pin-change interrupt or the PCINT should be selected. |
The interrupt used. Note that you need to precede the interrupt with an @ sign. For example for INT1 you provide : @INT1 |
The CONFIG HITAGE command will generate a number of internal used variables and constants.
See the description of READHITAG to see how they are calculated. The actual value will depend on the prescale value you use.
Variables for HTRC110 :
_htr_statemachine , a byte that is used to maintain a state machine.
_htcbit , a byte that will hold the received bit.
_htcbitcount , a byte to store the number of received bits.
_htcmpulse , a byte that stores the pulse
_htr_pulse_state , a byte that is used to maintain the pulse state machine.
_htc_retries, a byte that is used for the number of retries.
_tagdelta , a byte that will held the delta time between 2 edges.
_tagtime , a byte with the actual timer0 value when an edge is detected.
_taglasttime , a byte with the previous edge time, needed to calculate the delta time.
_tagparbit , a byte that will held the parity.
_tagdata , a byte where the bits are stored before they are loaded into the serial number array.
_tagid , a word that points to the serial number array
The HTRC110.LBX contains a number of other constants that are used to control the HTRC chip.
The _init_Tag routine is called automatically.
The clock output of the Mega88 is used to drive the HTRC110. Since the clock output of the internal oscillator is 8 MHz, the HTRC110 is also configured to work at 8 MHz. The .equ for Tag_set_config_page3 = &H40 + 48 + Fsel0 in the LBX. You can set it to 12 and 16 MHz too but you can not drive it from the clock output then.
Variables for EM4095 :
_tagflag , a byte that stores the return flag that will be loaded with 1 when a valid tag is detected
_tag_insync ,a byte that is used to store the state of the bit stream.
_tag_bitcount , a byte that stores the total bits when not in sync yet
_tag_tbit , a byte that stores the total received bits
_tag_par , a byte that stores the parity
_tag_timeout ,a byte that is loaded with the time that will be tried to detect an RFID chip
_taglasttime , a byte that stores the last time a valid edge was detected
_tagid , a word that points to the serial number array
See also
Example HTRC110
'-------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' (c) 1995-2008 , MCS Electronics ' sample : readhitag.bas ' demonstrates usage of the READHITAG() function '-------------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "m88def.dat" ' specify chip $crystal = 8000000 ' used speed $baud = 19200 'baud rate 'Notice that the CLOCK OUTPUT of the micro is connected to the clock input of the HTRC110 'PORTB.0 of the Mega88 can optional output the clock. You need to set the fusebit for this option 'This way all parts use the Mega88 internal oscillator 'The code is based on Philips(NXP) datasheets and code. We have signed an NDA to get the 8051 code 'You can find more info on Philips website if you want their code Print "HTC110 demo" Config Hitag = 64 , Type = Htrc110 , Dout = Pind.2 , Din = Pind.3 , Clock = Pind.4 , Int = @int0 ' ^ use timer0 and select prescale value 64 ' ^ we used htrc110 chip ' ^-- dout of HTRC110 is connected to PIND.2 which will be set to input mode ' ^ DIN of HTRC100 is connected to PIND.3 which will be set to output mode ' ^clock of HTRC110 is connected to PIND.4 which is set to output mode ' ^ interrupt 'the config statement will generate a number of constante and internal variables used by the code 'the htrc110.lbx library is called Dim Tags(5) As Byte 'each tag has 5 byte serial Dim J As Byte ' a loop counter 'you need to use a pin that can detect a pin level change 'most INT pins have this option 'OR , you can use the PCINT interrupt that is available on some chips 'In case you want PCINT option ' Pcmsk2 = &B0000_0100 'set the mask to ONLY use the pin connected to DOUT ' On Pcint2 Checkints 'label to be called ' Enable Pcint2 'enable this interrupt 'In case you want to use INT option On Int0 Checkints ' PIND.2 is INT0 Config Int0 = Change 'you must configure the pin to work in pin change intertupt mode Enable Interrupts ' enable global interrupts Do If Readhitag(tags(1)) = 1 Then 'check if there is a new tag ID For J = 1 To 5 'print the 5 bytes Print Hex(tags(j)) ; ","; Next Else 'there was nothing Print "Nothing" End If Waitms 500 'some delay Loop 'this routine is called by the interrupt routine Checkints: Call _checkhitag 'you must call this label 'you can do other things here but keep time to a minimum Return
Example EM4095
'------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' (c) 1995-2008 MCS Electronics ' This sample will read a HITAG chip based on the EM4095 chip ' Consult EM4102 and EM4095 datasheets for more info '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' The EM4095 was implemented after an idea of Gerhard Günzel ' Gerhard provided the hardware and did research at the coil and capacitors. ' The EM4095 is much simpler to use than the HTRC110. It need less pins. ' A reference design with all parts is available from MCS '------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "M88def.dat" $baud = 19200 $crystal = 8000000 $hwstack = 40 $swstack = 40 $framesize = 40 'Make SHD and MOD low Dim Tags(5) As Byte 'make sure the array is at least 5 bytes Dim J As Byte Config Hitag = 64 , Type = Em4095 , Demod = Pind.3 , Int = @int1 Print "Test EM4095" 'you could use the PCINT option too, but you must mask all pins out so it will only respond to our pin ' Pcmsk2 = &B0000_0100 ' On Pcint2 Checkints ' Enable Pcint2 On Int1 Checkints Nosave 'we use the INT1 pin all regs are saved in the lib Config Int1 = Change 'we have to config so that on each pin change the routine will be called Enable Interrupts 'as last we have to enable all interrupts Do Print "Check..." If Readhitag(tags(1)) = 1 Then 'this will enable INT1 For J = 1 To 5 Print Hex(tags(j)) ; ","; Next Print Else Print "Nothing" End If Waitms 500 Loop Checkints: Call _checkhitag 'in case you have used a PCINT, you could have other code here as well Return
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