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Initializes the pins that are connected to the BasicCard.




CONFIG BCCARD = port , IO=pin, RESET=pin





The PORT of the micro that is connected to the BasicCard. This can be PORTB or PORTD and will depend on the used micro.


The pin number that is connected to the IO of the BasicCard. Must be in the range from 0-7


The pin number that is connected to the RESET of the BasicCard. Must be in the range from 0-7


The variables SW1, SW2 and _BC_PCB are automatically dimensioned by the CONFIG BCCARD statement.


This statements uses BCCARD.LIB, a library that is available separately from MCS Electronics.




See Also





' This AN shows how to use the BasicCard from Zeitcontrol
' C1 = +5V
' C2 = PORTD.4 - RESET
' C3 = PIN 4 - CLOCK
' C5 = GND
' C7 = PORTD.5 - I/O
' /--------------------------------\
' | |
' | C1 C5 |
' | C2 C6 |
' | C3 C7 |
' | C4 C8 |
' | |
' \--------------------------------/
'----------- configure the pins we use ------------
Config Bccard = PORTD , Io = 5 , Reset = 4
' ^ PORTD.4
' ^------------ PORTD.5
' ^--------------------- PORT D
'Load the sample calc.bas into the basiccard
' Now define the procedure in BASCOM
' We pass a string and also receive a string
Bcdef Calc(string)
'We need to dim the following variables
'SW1 and SW2 are returned by the BasicCard
'BC_PCB must be set to 0 before you start a session
'Our program uses a string to pass the data so DIM it
Dim S As String * 15
'Baudrate might be changed
$baud = 9600
' Crystal used must be 3579545 since it is connected to the Card too
$crystal = 3579545
'Perform an ATR
'Now we call the procedure in the BasicCard
'bccall funcname(nad,cla,ins,p1,p2,PRM as TYPE,PRM as TYPE)
S = "1+1+3" ' we want to calculate the result of this expression
Bccall Calc(0 , &H20 , 1 , 0 , 0 , S)
' ^--- variable to pass that holds the expression
' ^------- P2
' ^----------- P1
' ^--------------- INS
' ^-------------------- CLA
' ^-------------------------- NAD
'For info about NAD, CLA, INS, P1 and P2 see your BasicCard manual
'if an error occurs ERR is set
' The BCCALL returns also the variables SW1 and SW2
Print "Result of calc : " ; S
Print "SW1 = " ; Hex(sw1)
Print "SW2 = " ; Hex(sw2)
'Print Hex(_bc_pcb) ' for test you can see that it toggles between 0 and 40
Print "Error : " ; Err
'You can call this or another function again in this session
S = "2+2"
Bccall Calc(0 , &H20 , 1 , 0 , 0 , S)
Print "Result of calc : " ; S
Print "SW1 = " ; Hex(sw1)
Print "SW2 = " ; Hex(sw2)
'Print Hex(_bc_pcb) ' for test you can see that it toggles between 0 and 40
Print "Error : " ; Err
'perform another ATR
Input "expression " , S
Bccall Calc(0 , &H20 , 1 , 0 , 0 , S)
Print "Answer : " ; S
'----and now perform an ATR as a function
Dim Buf(25) As Byte , I As Byte
Buf(1) = Bcreset()
For I = 1 To 25
Print I ; " " ; Hex(buf(i))
'typical returns :
'TS = 3B
'T0 = EF
'TB1 = 00
'TC1 = FF
'TD1 = 81 T=1 indication
'TD2 = 31 TA3,TB3 follow T=1 indicator
'TA3 = 50 or 20 IFSC ,50 =Compact Card, 20 = Enhanced Card
'TB3 = 45 BWT blocl waiting time
'T1 -Tk = 42 61 73 69 63 43 61 72 64 20 5A 43 31 32 33 00 00
' B a s i c C a r d Z C 1 2 3
'and another test
'define the procedure in the BasicCard program
Bcdef Paramtest(byte , Word , Long )
'dim some variables
Dim B As Byte , W As Word , L As Long
'assign the variables
B = 1 : W = &H1234 : L = &H12345678
Bccall Paramtest(0 , &HF6 , 1 , 0 , 0 , B , W , L)
Print Hex(sw1) ; Spc(3) ; Hex(sw2)
'and see that the variables are changed by the BasicCard !
Print B ; Spc(3) ; Hex(w) ; " " ; Hex(l)
'try the echotest command
Bcdef Echotest(byte)
Bccall Echotest(0 , &HC0 , &H14 , 1 , 0 , B)
Print B
End 'end program

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