How to send an Email with Arduino and Ethernet Shield (W5100)

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Used Hardware

  • Arduino UNO R3
  • Ethernet Shield with W5100 Wiznet Chip  

Used Software


Windows7 or 8

What you need to run the example

For the following example you need:

  • Email account which supportSMTP Authentication (AUTH LOGIN) on Port 25
  • Username and password Base64 encoded (you can use the Easy TCP/IP tool in Bascom-AVR to encode and decode)
  • IP address of your smtp server (if you do not know it just open in Windows the DOS command window and ping the server)
  • Your sender Email address and the receiver Email address

Don't use the Email Sub in the Do...Loop until you know what you are doing (Your mail provider could ban you if you send too much emails) !

This example use the base structure from here:

The focus of this article is Email and not other topics which are already descibed in other articels in this WIKI.

You need to change the  * (asterisk) !

When you send the Email as HTML (with the Link) it might end up in your spam folder. So check also your spam folder for this email sent in HMTL format !

' Send Email with Arduino Ethernet (W5100)
' Tested with GMX
'Use Hardware:
' - Arduino UNO R3
' - Arduino Ethernet Shield with W5100 Wiznet Chip
' NTP Server IP address (here you can change the NTP server of your choice)
Const Ntp1 = 192 : Const Ntp2 = 53 : Const Ntp3 = 103 : Const Ntp4 = 108 ' Example NTP Server =
Const Use_ping = 1 'use PING NTP server for checking NTP server availability before move on
$regfile = "m328pdef.dat"
$crystal = 16000000 '16MHz
$hwstack = 100
$swstack = 100
$framesize = 400
config submode = new
Config Com1 = 57600 , Synchrone = 0 , Parity = None , Stopbits = 1 , Databits = 8 , Clockpol = 0
' Watchdog
config watchdog = 4096
Start watchdog
' Server Variables
Dim Ip_sntp_server As Long
'assign the IP number of a SNTP server
Ip_sntp_server = Maketcp(ntp1 , Ntp2 , Ntp3 , Ntp4) 'assign IP of NTP SERVER
Wait 2 'Time to start the Debug Terminal after flashing
reset watchdog
Print "-----START Arduino UNO R3 + Ethernet Shield EMAIL DEMO-----"
' Network Hardware
Config Spi = Hard , Interrupt = Off , Data Order = Msb , Master = Yes , Polarity = Low , Phase = 0 , Clockrate = 4 , Noss = 0
Enable Interrupts
 'Here you need MAC address, the ip address you like to use, subnet mask, gateway and localport
 Config Tcpip = Noint , _
 Mac = , _
 Ip = , _
 Submask = , _
 Gateway = , _
 Localport = 1000 , _
 Tx = $55 , Rx = $55 , _
 Chip = W5100 , _
 Spi = 1
' Config Clock
Dim Local_time As Long
Dim New_second As Bit
dim second_counter as byte
Config Date = Dmy , Separator = .
Config Clock = User
Config Timer1 = Timer , Prescale = 256
On Timer1 Timer_irq Saveall 'the SAVEALL option is NEEDED !
Const Timer_preload = 3036
Enable Timer1
' SMTP Email Variables
Dim Smtp_sock As Byte
Dim Tcp_var As Byte
Dim email_string As String * 130
Dim length as byte
Const Smtp_email_socket = 1 'Socket Number for SMTP
' UDP Variables
Dim Idx As Byte ' socket number
Dim Result As Word ' result
Dim S(255) As Byte
Dim R(255) As Byte
Dim Sstr As String * 255
Dim Temp As Byte , Temp2 As Byte ' temp bytes
Dim Ip As Long
' PING NTP SERVER to check if NTP server is available
#if Use_ping = 1
 Dim J As Byte , Res As Byte
 Dim Ii As Byte
 Dim Ping_check_ok As Bit
 Reset Watchdog
 S(1) = 8 'type is echo
 S(2) = 0 'code
 S(3) = 0 ' for checksum initialization
 S(4) = 0 ' checksum
 S(5) = 0 ' a signature can be any number
 S(6) = 1 ' signature
 S(7) = 0 ' sequence number - any number
 S(8) = 1
 S(9) = 65
 Dim W As Word At S + 2 Overlay 'same as dta(3) and dta(4)
 Dim B As Byte
 W = Tcpchecksum(s(1) , 9) ' calculate checksum and store in dta(3) and dta(4)
 'Ip = Maketcp( 'try to check this google server
 Print "PING NTP Server : " ; Ip2str(ip_sntp_server)
 'Print "Socket " ; Idx ; " " ; Idx
 Setipprotocol Idx , 1 'set protocol to 1
 'the protocol value must be set BEFORE the socket is openend
 Idx = Getsocket(idx , Sock_ipl_raw , 5000 , 0) 'RAW Socket
 ' We try the PING 3 times (but if we get an answer we exit the for loop)
 Incr Ii
 Result = Udpwrite(ip_sntp_server , 7 , Idx , S(1) , 9) 'write ping data '
 Print "Ping Number : " ; ii
 Waitms 200 ' depending on the hops, speed, etc
 Result = Socketstat(idx , Sel_recv) 'check for data
 ' Print "REC:" ; Result
 If Result >= 11 Then
 Res = Tcpread(idx , R(1) , Result) 'get data with TCPREAD !!!
 ' Print "DATA RETURNED :" ; Res
 '( '
 For J = 1 To Result
 Print R(j) ; " " ;
 Print "PING OK --> Exit Do..Loop"
 Set Ping_check_ok
 Exit Do ' If we can an answer from NTP Server exit do ... loop
 Print "NTP Server not available"
 End If
 Waitms 100
 Loop Until Ii = 3
 Ii = 0
 Dim Ping_check_ok As Bit
 Ping_check_ok = 1
If Ping_check_ok = 1 Then 'When the NTP Serverer responded to PING
 'we need to get a socket first
 'note that for UDP we specify sock_dgram
 Idx = Getsocket(idx , Sock_dgram , 1000 , 0) ' get socket for UDP mode, specify port
 Print "Socket " ; Idx ; " " ; Idx
 Local_time = Sntp(idx , Ip_sntp_server) ' get time from SNTP server
 Print "Local_time = " ; Local_time
 If Local_time < 100 Then 'try it again
 Wait 1
 Local_time = Sntp(idx , Ip_sntp_server) ' get time from SNTP server
 Print "Second try ; Local_time = " ; Local_time
 End If
 Local_time = Local_time + 3600 ' (UTC/GMT) time + 3600
 Print Date(local_time) ; Spc(3) ; Time(local_time)
End If
' +
' + SUB NAME: Send_Email()
' +
' + DESCRIPTION: Send Email
' +
' +
' + RETURN: None
' +
' + NOTES: None
' +
Sub Send_Email(byval Send_html As Byte) ' 0 = send Text, 1 = send HTML
 '---------------------[SEND EMAIL SMTP]-----------------------------------------
 'for SMTP Email first we need a socket
 idx = Getsocket(smtp_email_socket , Sock_stream , 4086 , 0)
 If idx = 255 Then print "SMTP Email Getsocket Error"
 result = Socketstat(idx , Sel_control)
 Select Case result
 Case Sock_closed : print "Sock_closedr"
 Case Sock_arp : print "SOCK_ARP"
 Case Sock_listen : print "SOCK_LISTEN"
 Case Sock_synsent : print "SOCK_SYNSENT"
 Case Sock_synrecv : print "SOCK_SYNRECV"
 Case Sock_established : print "SOCK_ESTABLISHED"
 Case Sock_close_wait : print "SOCK_CLOSE_WAIT"
 Case Sock_last_ack : print "SOCK_LAST_ACK"
 Case Sock_fin_wait : print "SOCK_FIN_WAIT"
 Case Sock_closing : print "SOCK_CLOSING"
 Case Sock_time_wait : print "SOCK_TIME_WAIT"
 Case Sock_init : print "SOCK_INIT"
 Case Sock_udp : print "SOCK_UDP"
 Case Sock_raw : print "SOCK_RAW"
 Case Sock_macraw : print "SOCK_MACRAW"
 Case Sock_ppoe : print "SOCK_PPOE"
 End Select
 'connect to smtp server
 result = Socketconnect(idx , , 25) ' smtp server and SMTP port 25
 ' ^socket
 ' ^ ip address of the smtp server
 ' ^ port 25 for smtp
 print "Connecting to GMX Email Server: " ; " Port 25 "
 print "Socketconnect Status = " ; result
 If result = 1 Then print "ERROR connecting to Port 25"
 Reset Watchdog
 result = Socketstat(idx , 0) ' get socket status
 Loop Until result = Sock_established
 Reset Watchdog
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "220" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 print "Send " ; "HELO Arduino Ethernet{013}{010}"
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "HELO Arduino Ethernet{013}{010}" ) ' send username
 print Tcp_var ; " bytes written" ' number of bytes actual send
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "250" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 print "Send " ; "AUTH LOGIN{013}{010}"
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "AUTH LOGIN{013}{010}" ) 'authentication login
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "334" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 'The username must be Base64 encoded (and add the CR + LF)!
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "**********************=={013}{010}" ) 'USERNAME
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "334" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 'The password must be Base64 encoded (and add the CR + LF) !
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "********************=={013}{010}" ) 'PASSWORD
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "235" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 'Your Email address
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "MAIL FROM: *********@***.com{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "250" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 'The Email address you want to send the message to
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "RCPT TO: ******@*****.com{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "250" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "DATA{013}{010}" )
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "354" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Reset Watchdog
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "FROM: ********@***.de{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "TO: *******@****.com{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "SUBJECT: Arduino Ethernet Bascom{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "X-Mailer: BASCOM SMTP{013}{010}")
 If Send_html = 1 Then
 '----------------------Send the Email as HTML ---------------------------
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "Mime-Version: 1.0;{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "Content-Type: text/html; charset={034}ISO-8859-1{034};{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit;{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "{013}{010}") 'Empty line to switch to body
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "<html>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "<body>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "<h2>The Link to Bascom Forum !</h2>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "Here is it: <a href={034}{034}>Bascom Forum</a>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "<p>Best Regards,</p>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "<p>Arduino Ethernet Bascom</p>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "</body>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "</html>{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , ".{013}{010}")
 '-----------------------Send only TEXT-----------------------------------
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "{013}{010}") 'Empty line to switch from subject to body
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "This is a test email from BASCOM-AVR SMTP{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "Arduino Ethernet Bascom{013}{010}")
 email_string = "Timestamp = " + time$ + " / " + date$ + "{013}{010}"
 length = len(email_string)
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , email_string, length)
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , ".{013}{010}") ' end with a single dot
 end if
 Reset Watchdog
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "250" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string '--> 250 2.6.0 Message accepted
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 print "Send " ; "QUIT{013}{010}"
 Tcp_var = Tcpwrite(idx , "QUIT{013}{010}")
 Tcp_var = Tcpread(idx , email_string) ' get response from SMTP server
 If Left(email_string , 3) = "221" Then
 print "Server Answer = " ; email_string
 Exit Do
 End If
 'The Watchdog will restart the micro in case of no or wrong answer
 Print "Close Socket"
 Closesocket Idx ' close the server connection
End Sub
reset watchdog
'Here we send the email
call Send_Email(0) 'Send text Email
wait 2 : reset watchdog
call Send_Email(1) 'Send Email in HTML
 If New_second = 1 Then
 Reset New_second
 reset watchdog
 'Do something every second ......
 print "Tick"
 incr second_counter
 if second_counter = 180 then
 second_counter = 0
 'Do something every 3 minutes ......
 end if
 End If
 Incr Local_time
 Time$ = Time(local_time)
 Date$ = Date(local_time)
 Set New_second

Terminal Ouput of Example

-----START Arduino UNO R3 + Ethernet Shield EMAIL DEMO-----
PING NTP Server :
Ping Number : 1
PING OK --> Exit Do..Loop
Socket 0 0
Local_time = 416239374
10.03.13   15:02:54
Connecting to GMX Email Server: Port 25
Socketconnect Status = 0
Server Answer = 220 GMX Mailservices ESMTP {mp033}
Send HELO Arduino Ethernet

23  bytes written
Server Answer = 250 GMX Mailservices {mp033}

Server Answer = 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
Server Answer = 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Server Answer = 235 2.7.0 Go ahead {mp033}
Server Answer = 250 2.1.0 ok {mp033}
Server Answer = 250 2.1.5 ok {mp033}
Server Answer = 354 Go ahead {mp033}
Server Answer = 250 2.6.0 Message accepted {mp033}

Server Answer = 221 2.0.0 GMX Mailservices {mp033}
Close Socket
Connecting to GMX Email Server: Port 25
Socketconnect Status = 0
Server Answer = 220 GMX Mailservices ESMTP {mp033}
Send HELO Arduino Ethernet

23  bytes written
Server Answer = 250 GMX Mailservices {mp033}

Server Answer = 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
Server Answer = 334 UGFzc3dvcmQ6
Server Answer = 235 2.7.0 Go ahead {mp033}
Server Answer = 250 2.1.0 ok {mp033}
Server Answer = 250 2.1.5 ok {mp033}
Server Answer = 354 Go ahead {mp033}
Server Answer = 250 2.6.0 Message accepted {mp033}

Server Answer = 221 2.0.0 GMX Mailservices {mp033}
Close Socket

Telnet Exercise with sending an Email (if you encounter a problem)

The AUTH LOGIN smtp command is used to login to the smtp server with Username and password (both must be sent Base64 encoded).

You can use the Easy TCP/IP Tool in Bascom-AVR to decode or encode Base64.

You can check all the single steps of the SMTP server communication with TELNET in a manual procedure:

1. Enabling Telnet Client in Windows 7
2. Start the DOS command window in Windows 7 and type telnet and return
3. Then you see:         Microsoft Telnet>         in the DOS command window.
4. Now type (we use as example GMX with Port 25):             open 25             (25 is the port number)
5. The answer from the SMTP server will be: 220 GMX Mailservices ESMTP {mpXXX}
6. Then type:         AUTH LOGIN
7. The answer from the SMTP server will be: 334 VXNlcm5hbWU6
8. If you decode the   VXNlcm5hbWU6   for example with the Easy TCP/IP Tool in Bascom-AVR
    you will notice that the decoded text is Username:
9. You need now to type in the username Base64 encoded (which is usually your Email address Base64 encoded)
10. After this the SMTP server ask for the password (also Base64 encoded)
11. If you type in the wrong username or password the server's answer is 535 5.7.0 Incorrect username or password {mpXXX}
12. The correct username and password will be answerd by:   235 2.7.0 Go ahead {mpXXX}
13. ...
14. You can start the Email content with DATA and end it with <CR><LF>.<CR><LF> which is in Bascom {013}{010}.{013}{010}

SMTP Server Reply Codes

Code Description

211 System status, or system help reply.
214 Help message.
220 Domain service ready.Ready to start TLS.
221 Domain service closing transmission channel.
250 Ok , Queuing For Node Node Started.requested Mail Action Okay , Completed.
251 Ok , No Messages Waiting For Node Node.user Not Local , Will Forward To Forwardpath.
252 OK, pending messages for node node started.Cannot VRFY user (e.g., info is not local), but will take message for this user and attempt delivery.
253 OK, messages pending messages for node node started.
354 Start mail input; end with <CRLF>.<CRLF>.
355 Octet-offset is the transaction offset.
421 Domain Service Not Available , Closing Transmission Channel.
432 A password transition is needed.
450 Requested mail action not taken: mailbox unavailable.ATRN request refused.
451 Requested action aborted: local error in processing.Unable to process ATRN request now
452 Requested action not taken: insufficient system storage.
453 You have no mail.
454 TLS not available due to temporary reason.Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
458 Unable to queue messages for node node.
459 Node node not allowed: reason.
500 Command not recognized: command.Syntax error.
501 Syntax error, no parameters allowed.
502 Command not implemented.
503 Bad sequence of commands.
504 Command parameter not implemented.
521 Machine does not accept mail.
530 Must issue a STARTTLS command first.Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
534 Authentication mechanism is too weak.
538 Encryption required for requested authentication mechanism.
550 Requested action not taken: mailbox unavailable.
551 User not local; please try forwardpath.
552 Requested mail action aborted: exceeded storage allocation.
553 Requested action not taken: mailbox name not allowed.
554 Transaction failed.

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