From MCS Wiki AVR
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Verzweigt zu einer SUB-Routine.
GOSUB label
Label |
The name of the label where to branch to. |
With GOSUB, your program jumps to the specified label, and continues execution at that label.
When it encounters a RETURN statement, program execution will continue after the GOSUB statement.
See also
'----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 'name : gosub.bas 'copyright : (c) 1995-2005, MCS Electronics 'purpose : demo: GOTO, GOSUB and RETURN 'micro : Mega48 'suited for demo : yes 'commercial addon needed : no '----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- $regfile = "m48def.dat" ' specify the used micro $crystal = 4000000 ' used crystal frequency $baud = 19200 ' use baud rate $hwstack = 32 ' default use 32 for the hardware stack $swstack = 10 ' default use 10 for the SW stack $framesize = 40 ' default use 40 for the frame space Goto Continue Print "This code will not be executed" Continue: 'end a label with a colon Print "We will start execution here" Gosub Routine Print "Back from Routine" End Routine: 'start a subroutine Print "This will be executed" Return 'return from subroutine
Languages | English • Deutsch |