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(Created page with "This is a user contributed lbx for the EADOGS104 with the SSD1803A.   The SAMPLES\LCDGRAPH folder contains the sample : <br/><source lang="bascomavr"> '----------...")

Latest revision as of 20:52, 17 January 2017

This is a user contributed lbx for the EADOGS104 with the SSD1803A.


The SAMPLES\LCDGRAPH folder contains the sample :

' DOGS-104.bas
' Demonstration for DOGS 104-A display
' (c) R. Müller-Westermann
$regfile = "m168def.dat"
$crystal = 1000000
$hwstack = 32
$swstack = 32
$framesize = 64
$lib "Lcd_dogs104a_i2c.lbx"
'LCD -----------------------------------------------------------------
'DOGS104 Display can use either &H78 if pin SA0 of module is set to GND
'or &H7A if SA0 of module is set to VDD for I2C communication.
'Pullup resistors on SDA and SCL lines of less or equal to 3.9kOhm @3.3V
'are recommended.
Const Dogs104_adr_w = &H78 'I2C write address
Const Dogs104_adr_r = &H79 'I2C read address
'LCD has 2 view options. If LCD_view is set to 0 characters are being
'displayed in bottom view (6 o'clock). If set to 1 characters are being
'displayed in top view (12 0'clock)
Const Lcd_view = 0 'bottom view
'Const Lcd_view = 1 'top View
'configuration is needed for defining start address of LCD RAM
Config Lcd = 20x2
'LCD comes with 3 different character sets. These can be accessed by setting
Const Lcd_rom = 1 'ROM A
'Const Lcd_rom = 2 'ROM B
'Const Lcd_rom = 3 'ROM C
'there are 2 custom procedures witch provide number of lines switching at
'runtime. You can either choose 2 line mode with double hight fonts or regular
'4 line mode. This is the standard mode used by Initlcd.
$external 2line_mode
$external 4line_mode
'LCD -----------------------------------------------------------------
Declare Sub 2line_mode
Declare Sub 4line_mode
Config Scl = Portc.5
Config Sda = Portc.4
Waitms 100
'As with any other LCD module, you can define up to 8 additional characters
'by using the regular Bascom command
 Deflcdchar 1 , 32 , 32 , 4 , 10 , 17 , 10 , 4 , 32 ' circle
Waitms 100
Cursor Off
Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd Chr(1)
Wait 2
'standard initialization of LCD is set to 4 line mode
Locate 1 , 1 : Lcd "line 1"
Locate 2 , 1 : Lcd "line 2"
Locate 3 , 1 : Lcd "line 3"
Locate 4 , 1 : Lcd "line 4"
Wait 2
'if needed LCD can be switched to 2 line mode
Locate 1 , 3 : Lcd "line 1"
Locate 2 , 3 : Lcd "line 2"
Wait 2
' ... and back to 4 line mode
Locate 1 , 3 : Lcd "line 1 "
Locate 2 , 3 : Lcd "line 2"
Locate 3 , 3 : Lcd "line 3"
Locate 4 , 3 : Lcd "line 4"
Wait 2
'if desired you can put the LCD module in power down mode. This saves some
'Any other command applicable for DOGS104A using SSD1803A controller can be
'issued by using regular Rcall _Lcd_control command with preloaded
'R24 register.
Display Off
Waitms 100
'power down ----------------
R24 = &B00111010 '8 bit data RE1, REV0
Lcdcmd R24
R24 = &B00000011 'power down
Lcdcmd R24
R24 = &B00111000 '8 bit data RE0, IS0
Lcdcmd R24
'power down ----------------
Wait 2
'... and power up again. LCD RAM remains unchanged.
'power up -----------------
R24 = &B00111010 '8 bit data RE1, REV0
Lcdcmd R24
R24 = &B00000010 'power up
Lcdcmd R24
R24 = &B00111000 '8 bit data RE0, IS0
Lcdcmd R24
'power up -----------------
Waitms 100
Display On
Locate 4 , 1 : Lcd "powered up"

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